My DC Supergirl Art

I admit I started watching Supergirl partly for KatieMcGrath and partly for the fun of a female superheroine. I ended up enjoying all of it.

Alex Danvers Maggie cuddling up to Alex Superflash dancing laughing Kara
on Dreamwidth on Dreamwidth on Dreamwidth on Dreamwidth
Kara kissing Jonns forehead Kara and Mon-El on Krypton Kara with glassess, smiling Kara, Alex and Winn at advent
on Dreamwidth on Dreamwidth on Dreamwidth on Dreamwidth
team at the beach team on the couch Kara and Mon-El kissing Winn Mon-El watercolour
on Dreamwidth on Dreamwidth on Dreamwidth on Dreamwidth
Kara and Alex highfiving Mon-El portrait Kara and Lena looking at the stars
on Dreamwidth on AO3 on Dreamwidth

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